Coaching Programs
Courage, Risks, and Rewards
- In this coaching program, you will explore 5 key areas that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards. You will examine the concept of risk and break it down into specific, manageable steps. And you will look at risk from different perspectives and explore how the rewards for taking chances far outweigh the costs. This training will open new doors to exciting opportunities!
Beating Self-Sabotage and Reaching Your Potential
- This coaching program, you’ll discover how to identify your inner critic, how to outsmart your
sabateur , how to call in your reinforcements, three simple methods to reclaiming control of your life, how to gain inspiration, and much more.
Effective Ways to Handle Stress
- In this coaching program, you are going to explore several key points about Stress Management including how to better understand and notice the signs of stress, and how to manage the stress in your life.
The Wondrous Search for Happiness and Where to Find It!
- In this life transformational coaching program, I will teach you an effective strategy, built on years of time-tested practice, experience
and methodology. I’m talking about a proven formula for happiness.
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